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Top tips for Crowdfunding on Crowd2Fund

Crowdfunding your business or project can be a daunting process so here are some top tips to help with your campaign.

7th July 2017

1. Get your crowd excited

Warm up your crowd by letting them know about your upcoming campaign. A little enthusiasm goes a long way. Most of the work for your campaign should happen before going live. It is key to line up your businesses biggest fans to pledge as soon as you go live. It is likely that your campaign will succeed if you arrange for investment prior to launching your campaign.

2.    You only get one chance to make a great impression!

Pitch your project perfectly; there’s no room for error.  There will be numerous other projects being pitched that will be screaming for attention. Make sure your pitch will stand out and not fade into the background. The video should be clear, concise and most importantly vibrant. In addition, campaigns should be illustrated with a bank of captivating images and photographs.

3.    Plan, Plan, Plan…

... Fail to prepare, prepare to fail! We believe the most successful businesses are those that have a clear, precise structure in place. Make sure you know your audience and engage with them. Have marketing approaches in place to target and hold their attention. Plan social media carefully as this medium can be crucial in determining your success. 

4.    Communication is key

Communicating with investors is essential before, during and after the campaign. Keep your investors and supporters up to date with the progress of the business now that they are now part of the project. Send them weekly email updates .Furthermore, by keeping them in the know they may be more likely to re-invest.

5.    Keep the momentum going

After the initial burst of energy that will come with the launch, be sure not to let the spirit deteriorate. In our experience, most crowdfunding campaigns experience a dip in the middle of their activities so keep the buzz going. Continue to spread the word about your fantastic project and ensure you regularly update your social media for your supporters. We believe that campaigns with more updates are more successful in funding but ensure that the updates will captivate your audience.

Get finance from the crowd and register your business at

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