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How the Innovative Finance ISA or IF ISA works

Orcamoney is a Fintech company providing support services to the financial service industry, and is convinced that the P2P Lending is a highly beneficial alternative to traditional investment mediums. They're dedicated to promoting alternative finance as the new way of making money and spreading around the UK and worldwide.

17th June 2016

Orcamoney is a Fintech company providing support services to the financial service industry, and is convinced that the P2P Lending is a highly beneficial alternative to traditional investment mediums. They're dedicated to promoting alternative finance as the new way of making money and spreading around the UK and worldwide.

They have created a great infographic on Crowd2Fund's Innovative Finance ISA, or IF ISA, to show how it works, the main key features and what the benefits are.

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Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Your capital invested is not covered for compensation in the event of a loss by the FSCS. Tax treatment will depend on the individual circumstances and may be subject to change. Please see our Risk section before making an investment decision.
