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Crowd2Fund wins 2018 MoneyNet Highly Commended Award for Best IFISA Provider

Earlier this year, Crowd2Fund was recognised for the quality, performance, and functionality of its IFISA by winning the Highly Commended Award for Best IFISA at the 2018 MoneyNet Personal Finance Awards.

24th April 2018

Earlier this year, Crowd2Fund was recognised for the quality, performance, and functionality of its IFISA by winning the Highly Commended Award for Best IFISA at the 2018 MoneyNet Personal Finance Awards.

Each year, the MoneyNet Personal Finance Awards recognise the top personal finance providers and products from the previous 12 months.

Of Crowd2Fund, Andrew Hagger, Chair of the 2018 MoneyNet Awards Judging Panel, has said, “Crowd2Fund offers investors a diverse choice of businesses in which they can invest directly and build a bespoke portfolio rather than the more common pooled funding approach.”

“Whilst the expected returns are attractive, investors are given clear warnings as to the potential risk to their capital.”

“There is a decent level of information to hand about each of the individual businesses and the panel particularly liked the use of the Equifax grading data plus the ability to submit individual questions directly to business owners and key officials.”

“Investors also have the option to be able to buy or sell investments via the Crowd2Fund Exchange marketplace whilst the level of transparency surrounding late repayments, defaults and write-offs are clear for all to see, with data updated on a monthly basis.”

“Crowd2Fund gives investors the opportunity and resources to make calculated investment choices and markets its product offering in a balanced manner rather than purely emphasising the potential returns available.”

Crowd2Fund was the first platform to be licenced to offer the IFISA in April 2016 and is also the only platform that allows users to select the businesses and entrepreneurs that they want to back. There are also additional rewards offered by more consumer-focused businesses.

“We’re absolutely thrilled to be recognised by MoneyNet and offered this prestigious award, says Chris Hancock, Crowd2Fund’s CEO.

“It really helps us stand apart now that the IFISA has become more mainstream and there are more providers. We still feel there are very different elements to the Crowd2Fund proposition which really do give investors additional choice within the marketplace.”


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