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£millions up for grabs for small business

To show just how healthy the funding market is when it comes to small businesses accessing capital, Enterprise Nation is putting on an event 'Show me the money!” where over 20 funders will showcase their offer.

19th June 2015

To show just how healthy the funding market is when it comes to small businesses accessing capital, Enterprise Nation is putting on an event ‘Show me the money!”where over 20 funders will showcase their offer. We’re delighted to be one of them! Enterprise Nation founder, Emma Jones, outlines why the event is needed and what it will deliver.

Access to funding still appears too often on the list of challenges claimed to be affecting small businesses. Admittedly I meet small businesses every day who are on the look-out for funds but I just as regularly meet quality funders who have assets to lend and the inclination to support ambitious entrepreneurs.

The challenge, I’ve concluded, is that the two groups just don’t meet enough!

If you were in business during the days of the dot com boom, you may recall First Tuesday; an incredibly popular weekly event that connected people with money, with those who wanted it. Investors wore a red sticker and StartUps a blue one. It eased the speed of connections, the chance of doing a deal, and StartUps being built. They were heady days but the concept remains sound – the more connections made, the more deals will be done.

That’s why we’re hosting ‘Show me the Money!’ on 25 June. We’ve contacted all the funders we know; from banks to online lenders, crowdfunders to angels and large corporate accelerators. The audience will be over 100 small businesses looking for information, support and capital.

Three entrepreneurs who have, between them, successfully raised millions, will offer their top tips. But this event is for any business owner, whether you’re looking for £1,500 or £1.5 million.

I hope to see deals done on the night – and to see you there!

‘Show me the Money!’ will be hosted on 25 June at KPMG Winter Garden, Canary Wharf. It’s free for Enterprise Nation members to attend and £10 for non-members. Sign up at:

Emma Jones MBE is a small business expert and author and Founder of Enterprise Nation 


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